Pointing to Other People

I read a very interesting blog last night by Adrian Warnock about the value of pointing your twitter followers towards others.  The premise of the post was that while one would think that people who shared much commonalty in their thoughts and beliefs would also share an overlap in those that follow them, it just isn’t the case.  In fact Warnock believes that many of the people that follow you may not even have heard of some of the people that you follow.  Therefore, he suggests that one of the most beneficial things you can do is to point people towards others.  Being inspired by this thought  I decided I would write a post about some of the people that I am most influenced by.

  1. John Piper – I have often said that John Piper is the Kevin Bacon of my personal library,  and with very few exceptions the same can be said about my twitter account as well.  If you have never heard of John Piper you should really check him out.  Follow him on twitter, subscribe to podcasts  of his sermons via iTunes (Desiring God Sermons Audio), or read any one of his amazing books which you can find at desiringgod.org, Amazon, or christianbook.com.  Better yet, read all of them 🙂
  2. David Platt – Author of the books Radical and Radical Together, I find David Platt to be one of the most inspirational pastors of our day.  I have read both of his books.  I follow his blog.  And, I follow him on twitter.
  3. Matt Chandler – Pastor of The Village Church in Texas, Matt Chandler is also the author of the book The Explicit Gospel.  I love listening to podcasts of his sermons,  which while edgy in approach, are very sound doctrinally.  His commitment to presenting the Gospel in it’s truest form is very inspiring.
  4. David Sitton – Having spent many years as a missionary to Papua New Guinea,  David Sitton has a passion for reaching the unreached people of the world.  Author of the book Reckless Abandon he also inspires and exhorts through his twitter account on a daily basis.  Follow him on twitter and definitely check out his book.
  5. R.C. Sproul – R.C. Sproul is yet another pastor that has influenced me tremendously.  Through Ligonier Ministries Dr. Sproul has maintained an unwavering commitment to the communication of sound doctrine for many years now.  He is another pastor that I have enjoyed listening to via podcasts (Dr. R.C. Sproul Sermons).  Combining a passion for the Bible with remarkable oratory skills, Dr. Sproul has and uncanny ability to put you inside the stories of the Bible.  I also follow a twitter account that bears his name, even though it is not directly affiliated with him.  And, I’d be remiss not to mention that R.C. Sproul is also the author of many books which you can find at ligonier.org as well as other online bookstores.
  6. Burk Parsons – Editor of Table Talk Magazine, Burk parsons is one of the people I re-tweet the most.  Unfortunately, I have no additional information about him except that Table Talk Magazine is a publication of Ligonier Ministries.
  7. Joshua Project – While not an individual person, the Joshua Project is definitely an organization you should follow.  In their own words “Joshua Project is a research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Jesus Christ” Through the use of  facebook & twitter the organization highlights a different unreached people group everyday.  This gives you the chance to think about specific people groups as you pray for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.